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Licensing Information

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Basic License



Premium License



TrackOut License






MP3 License


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Kings Made It

Artist / Producer

Kings made it is a user-friendly and intuitive destination for buying beats; through our online platform with its intelligent design and technology.Artists and content creators are using Kings made it to independently make tomorrow’s biggest sounds.

When Kings made it was created the goal was to smash the industry for music-makers by championing all and providing a field where artists can buy, from all backgrounds and experiences.We continue to fuel our mission by giving back to the community and empowering creatives through our growing digital recording studio and the intensity of our original exclusive beats we provide.

We do it because there is a strength in the realised goals of a larger collective bonded together through shared interests; and ultimately, with full creative control, artists have the freedom and flexibility to pursue their passion and make it a reality.At King’s made it we believe that education, collaboration, and innovation are what empowers visionaries to not only become better artists, but also better entrepreneurs.

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